Friday, January 18, 2013

Anne Hathaway to Claire Danes: Sorry About SNL!

Anne Hathaway to Claire Danes: Sorry About SNL!

	Anne Hathaway apologized to friend Claire Danes for any hurt feelings from her "Homeland" skit on "Saturday Night Live."

Jason Merritt/Getty Images

No spat here: Anne Hathaway made amends in advance for her harsh portrayal of Claire Danes.

Anne Hathaway was apparently so nervous she would offend Claire Danes after spoofing the star during her recent turn hosting “Saturday Night Live” that she reached out and apologized to her celeb pal before the sketch aired.

“I’m friends with Anne, and she sent me a lot of texts beforehand that say, ‘Oh God, I hope we’ll be friends afterwards,’” Danes, 33, told the February issue of Elle Magazine.

Hathaway had reason to be anxious. The skit, which aired Nov. 11, featured Hathaway in a blond wig impersonating Danes’ “Homeland” character, bipolar CIA officer Carrie Mathieson. The portrait centered on the grimace that Danes employs frequently on the show, including a “chin wobble” and a contorted expression which one character described as “like her whole face is chewing gum.”

The over-the-top spoof played into an Internet trend of posting pictures of Danes’ sobbing throughout her career, inspiring pages like “The Claire Danes Cry Face Project.”

But Danes isn’t too concerned. “Homeland” earned her a fourth Golden Globe on Sunday. And she takes those who criticize her “cry face” in stride.

“It’s just the way feelings register on my face,” she told Elle. “It’s been isolated from the rest of my work, like it’s a tacked-on thing. It’s not.”

Nor is Danes about to hold a grudge against Hathaway, 30. In fact, with her infant son Cyrus, the new mom hasn’t even had a chance to see the “SNL” send-up.

“She sent me a very large bouquet of flowers,” Danes told Elle of the “Les Miserables” star. “So I’m assuming it was not the most flattering description.”

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