Saturday, January 26, 2013

Post-doctoral Researcher

Post-doctoral Researcher

A postdoctoral research scientist position is available in the group of Dr. Remi Creusot at the Columbia Center for Translational Immunology (CCTI) to participate in research investigating the pathophysiology and therapy of autoimmune diabetes. The CCTI is a multidisciplinary research center with affiliations with many departments and other research centers within Columbia University Medical Center, established to promote horizontal translation of applied immunology between different disciplines and to advance immunology from the bench to the clinic.

The candidate should have a recent PhD or MD/PhD in Immunology, Molecular Medicine or related field with a proven track record of productivity (first authorship in peer-reviewed journal in English is preferred). In addition, the successful candidate will demonstrate creativity, strong work ethics, motivation and ability to work in a collaborative yet competitive environment, as well as excellent written and verbal communication skills. Familiarity with flow cytometry and in vitro immunoassays, animal procedures, gene expression analysis (Taqman, Microarray and/or RNA seq) and isolation / culture of immune cells are highly desirable. In addition, experience with mouse transgenesis and/or gene targeting will be favorably considered.

Copy and paste the following into your browser: Applicants should apply only through the CU website.

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